Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Onion Satirizes Depression with "Son, We'd All Like to Lie Around All Day Being Depressed"

Ah, The Onion. An American Institution. If there's one thing I've learned from my own battles with depression it's that humor can be just what is needed. Sometimes it's nice to laugh, sometimes it can save your life. This story from The Onion is funny because it focuses on a problem that many people have with those suffering from depression. Click the link, check it out, and come back and comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Full article here:,11095/?ref=auto

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Comedian Rob Delany on His Own Depression and His Advice to Others Struggling

Porpoise Delaney by @jtmcgillicuddy
Today we feature a powerful piece about a person's struggle with depression from one the funniest—if not one of the most crass—comics making the rounds today, Rob Delaney.

While he's a funny guy, he takes his and other's depression seriously. Here's an excerpt:

"The sole reason I’ve written this is so that someone who is depressed or knows someone who is depressed might see it. While great strides have been made in mental health over the years, certain stigmas still exist. I strongly resisted medication at first. But after having been through depression and having had the wonderful good fortune to help a couple of people who’ve been through it, I will say that as hard as it is, IT CAN BE SURVIVED. And after the stabilization process, which can be and often is fucking terrifying, a HAPPY PRODUCTIVE LIFE is possible and statistically likely. Get help. Don’t think. Get help."

Great advice. Read the full heartfelt blog post here.